Configurable Validators

Type: function

Allows for the creation of validators/asyncValidators that need access to the form, other controls, or the form's scope. The match validator in the formation-validators package is a ConfigurableValidator.

ConfigurableValidator(validatorConfigurator: function): function

Creates a new configurable validator.

The provided function will be invoked when the form is created and passed an object with the following shape: {form: object, ngModelCtrl: object, scope: object} where form is a reference to the Formation form controller, ngModelCtrl is a reference to the ngModel controller on the control which the validator is being used, and scope is a reference to the Formation form's isolate scope.

This function should return a function with the following signature:

(modelValue: object, viewValue: object): boolean

which will be assigned to the control's $validators .


Name Type Description
validatorConfigurator Function Validator configuration function.


Type Description
function Intermediate configuration function invoked by the form during control registration.


A configurable validator can be defined by importing ConfigurableValidator from the Formation package:

// myValidator.js
import {
} from '@darkobits/formation';

export default ConfigurableValidator(({form, ngModelCtrl, scope}) => {
  return modelValue => {
    // Do something with form/ngModelCtrl/scope/modelValue, return a boolean.

It can then be used thusly:

// myCtrl.js
import app from 'app';

import {
} from '@darkobits/formation-validators';

import myValidator from './myValidator';

app.controller('MyCtrl', function () {
  const vm = this;

  vm.controls = {
    name: {
      validators: {
        minLength: minLength(6),
        // Use the validator like any other function in a control's "validators"
        // configuration.
        required: myValidator

Additional Resources

results matching ""

    No results matching ""